Saturday, April 22, 2017

Thinking Deep Thoughts Today

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a huge Prince fan.  I even jokingly called him my husband for many many years.  April 21, 2017 marks the one year anniversary of the death of an amazing entertainer and singer, Prince Rogers Nelson.  I have spent the majority of the day listening to the catalog of the hundreds upon hundreds of music he either produced, wrote, or performed since he first stepped on the scene many years ago. 

As I sit here listening to some of the song lyrics, I just began to have some very deep thoughts.  Almost every radio station is paying tribute to Prince today, channels on television are showing Prince related shows and movies, and individuals are dressed in purple attire to celebrate the life of Prince.  My deep thoughts took me to a place of where I started thinking how will people remember me.  What kind of legacy am I creating today that my children and others will remember me for when I am gone from this earth. 

My goal each day is to touch the life of someone who is searching for their purpose in life. This very act is my purpose in life for I love to see people figure out what they are here in this life for and who their “why” can be someone else’s lifeline. 

Have you ever thought about what type of legacy you are building right now?  What will people remember you for?  What type of generational wealth and example are you going to leave for the generations to come in your family?

As I reflect on the life of Prince and the impact he as a person had and his music had on the world, I am really thinking about what my daily actions speak as it relates to me as a person and what type of legacy I am building and will leave behind.  Make each day a great one and one that is fulfilling and purposeful.

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